How to get the best answers for your internship interview

How to get the best answers for your internship interview

Are you excited to do an internship? The answer will be 100 percent sure. Almost half of your life has been spent in school and university for many years, and this time you are signed up for a new journey. Before we go through details and other processes, we would like to congratulate you that your application impressed the hiring manager. You have one more step to take to experience the real world of working. For some of you who may have questions about creating a good resume or cv, you can look at our blog to get some ideas.

So, right now, you are in the interview process as a red line to determine if they are going to accept you or not. It means you have to prepare and improve the interview skills as much as possible to create confidence, including personality and “answering questions” . Even if you apply for an internship role, all companies and industries still need someone passionate to work with them.

Many people think an interview is a piece of cake. It is just a short conversation with asking questions about themselves, and then it is done. It does mean their statement is wrong, but there is something more than that. The hardest part of interviewing is how you can explain yourself, and it is not only about what your interests, hobbies, favorite colors, or food are.

It is how much you understand yourself, not randomly pick up something you think you may be good at. Moreover, paying attention to the company you are applying for also gives you opportunities to do an internship, which relates to paving the way to build your career in the future.

Does it sound like it is getting serious? Do not give up yet! Because we are here to help you find the best answers to get your internship interview done perfectly.

Here are common questions that you will be asked in internship interviews and tips to answer!

Why Are You Interested To Do This Internship With Us?

There are two parts to answer this question, and the first one is focusing on your expectations. You would like to join this company because there is an opportunity to improve your skills , and gain working experience. It is a good idea to specify what you want to learn from them. Give them the reason why their company matches with your interests and abilities more than other companies.

Basically, you are able to use this time to express passion, experience, and values as well. Another part is presenting your understanding of the company’s goals.

Some people only focus on their reputation, but to complete the road, you also have to use other elements to build, not strongly focus on the big one. Researching what the company does or what they have been through draws a clear picture of the company's goals.

Start with the company website to reach out for information, follow some news, spend time to read the “About us” page or read the blog if they have one.

What Did You Learn From Your Previous Working Experience?

It does not matter which kinds of jobs you have done before, it is unrelated to the position you applied for. The most important part is how you mention all skills you have gained from your previous work relevant to your interviewing position. Even though you have such a nightmare experience, try to switch the negative sides to positives sides that benefit your ability one way or another. It will make you more desirable during the interview process over other candidates because it shows your spirit to handle unpleasant situations and positive thinking.

What Are Your Strengths ?

All you have to prepare for this question is making a list of what you think are your strengths. It would be great if you come up with around 5 or 10 of your strengths to decide which are more relatable or support you the most.

Try to sell your strengths as much as possible and make sure that you have not stayed still without improving your shining spot. Before we move onto other questions, one more important thing is avoiding to choose the skills because you see in the job description.

Every strength of you has each potential in itself. It will help you be more convincing and different from others when you talk about the authentic strengths. Be the most professional version of yourself.

What Are Your Weaknesses?

There is no doubt that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. You may think about why you have to tell them about yourself in the weaknesses section, this question points out self-improvement. Interviewers will ask you about how you deal with these weaknesses, such as how you can control them and change them into positive sides.

Choose a “Good weakness” that is acceptable for the job and fixable, you do not always have to mention the weaknesses that make you look “bad”. You can come up with hard skills set out in the job description that you are lacking and back it up as a reason why you want to join the company as a plan to improve your skills by learning from them.

What Are Your Interests And Hobbies?

Telling your own interests and hobbies makes the interviewers know you better like what you are interested in and passionate about. Do not try to answer the question by choosing the hobbies or interests because it relates directly to the job description, it will make you disingenuous or inauthentic. Giving the details on how your interests and hobbies lead you to gain some skills from it.

For example, “my big interest has always been learning new languages and different cultures. I used to join the foreign language clubs when I was in high school, and I also work as a part-time teacher for free while studying at University. From what I have done by teaching all kids, I know that everyone has a different way of thinking and learning. Moreover, there is much satisfaction in figuring out the best way to teach my students to learn new things”

This example focuses on learning new languages. However, it reflects the ability or strengths of the candidate. Such as passing on knowledge, time management, a strong passion for learning something new, and working with lots of kids indicate patience and understanding.

These are common questions with some guides and details for you to prepare before starting an interview. Remember that practice makes perfect, spend time to understand more about the company you applied for by going to their website to get further information and be confident in a version of you.

Let us know if you have some tips that work for you by leaving your comments below !

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