Taiwan’s In-House Creativity Production
In all of Taiwan’s 36,197 km2, more than 23.6 million Taiwanese are sharing less than ⅓ of land area between them. Within the parameters of their limited land area, Taiwanese churn out most of the modern day essentials: electronics; metals; plastics; telecommunication and rubber products, making its economy extremely— and I mean extremely —resilient to the ever-changing state of global affairs!
And this is how Taiwan came on top despite its scarcity in natural resources!
Made In Taiwan®
Not all things Taiwanese are overshadowed by China because— guess who overtakes the number one spot in the semiconductor sector?
That’s right, Taiwan!!
Led by its leading production house, TSMC, the country dominates more than half of the manufacturing and production of those advanced chips and is the main supplier to tech giants like Apple, Qualcomm and Samsung. But that is not all that Taiwan has to offer, the magnitude of the Taiwanese reach goes outside chip- to vehicle- productions.

(Source: "Memory Card Evolutions" by Supratik Deshmukh on Unsplash)
For long, Taiwan has proven itself to be one of the most popular manufacturing sites for car parts in the world, guaranteed by its golden stamps of fine craftsmanship and superior quality control. You guessed it— this is the prime example of how Taiwan managed to reach the level of success that it is at today. It does not go around fixing all of its flaws, instead, it optimizes its strengths to compensate for what it lacks in. Without relying heavily on producing and exporting local products, Taiwan maximizes its greatest resources: the Taiwanese people, and Total Quality Management.
Playing On Its Strengths
What compounds Total Quality Management, or TQM, are all too familiar to the Taiwanese: communication, teamwork, leadership, training, trust;... etc. The one single element that makes TQM work on Taiwan, and not its neighboring countries, is none other than trust. The trust that the Taiwanese so relentlessly established upon years of hard-work and dedication has paid off in ways that bring home operational efficiency, reputation, as well as its globally recognized economic buoyancy.
Coupled with the Taiwanese technology-led education system, it comes as no surprise that its people are so incredibly innovative and well-versed in the technological advancements of today. In fact, Taiwan has been integrating technological tools for its students of all educational levels from its education policies down to class activities. This covers middle schoolers’ Artificial Intelligence inclusive curriculum with strong focus on practical in-class problem solving exercises.
Taiwan’s Preserved Creative Culture
Problem-solving is not foreign to Taiwanese, everyone knows that. They have been working around issues throughout their history like its national identity. Taiwan’s internal identity crisis has always been present in the Taiwanese society stemming from its rich and direct influences from the United States, Holland, Portugal, Japan, and China. The by-product of all of these close contacts with outsiders is not merely the transmission of their customs and traditions but the slow brewing creativity that has always and will continue to pull Taiwan through all of its adversities.
Though its ties with external countries remain visible in its way of life, architecture, and food, the building blocks of what constitutes Taiwan remain unchanged. The Taiwanese culture at its core is multi-folded, creative, and accepting. Taiwan’s innovative minds are essential to the growth of its nation. Hence why Taiwan is pouring all of its resources into the development of its people in the digital era from middle-schoolers to interns. And we ought to tip our hats to Taiwan for being a prime example of how to thrive in the increasingly competitive world today!
Follow Taiwan’s Lead With AIP Internships
We have witnessed Taiwan catapulting itself to the top in spite of its setbacks. The results are in plain sight. Taiwan is developing at a rapid speed. The country is praised time after time for its various exemplary inventions. We know for a fact that the same ordinary approach does not and can not get us to where we imagine ourselves to be. This is our final call to make necessary changes to our lives; our chances to go after our dreams and be the person we had only dreamed of being. We ought to find new inspirations.
Why not transport yourself to the land of innovations itself? Because, well, what better way to immerse yourself in the creative and diverse culture of Taiwan than to do an internship in Taiwan! When the (internship) opportunity presents itself, take advantage of it! Explore your options; take time during your internship to search for your true potential. This is your chance to surround yourself with skilled, experienced, and talented interns from different parts of the world. After all, creativity breeds more creativity!
For more information on internship opportunities in Taiwan, please visit our website linked here: https://internsinasia.com/