Remote Internships are the Solution
Right now, we are living through unprecedented times. Borders across the world have closed — Asia is no exception. Fortunately, there is a solution: remote internships.
Thanks to remote internships, you still have the opportunity to add an Asian giant like Huawei, Meinhardt or Nintendo to your CV. Due to the current circumstances, many companies are now having to do most, if not all, work online. As such, remote internships can now give you an insight into the company and a taste of its culture like never before.
In fact, the pandemic has not dented the appetite for internships. According to recent research conducted by educations.com, almost nine-out-of-ten students view internships as being vital to their long-term career goals. Additionally, almost a quarter (22.6%) of students who had to postpone or cancel study abroad plans this year are now planning on undertaking an internship.
But just what is a remote internship? How do you go about finding one? How can you make the most of it?
How Do Remote Internships Actually Work?
At its most basic level, remote internships are simply internships that take place outside of the office. That can be at home, in a coffee shop, a library, anywhere where it is possible to work.
As remote working has now had to become the norm, companies have found new and innovative ways of working. Morning meetings are now held over Zoom or Google Meets. Awards and employee celebrations have now gone virtual. Even some major events have now been digitized.
In fact, very recently, Huawei held its European Innovation Day digitally, with only a handful of people onsite at spaces in Munich, Germany and Warsaw, Poland.
This new trend is spilling over into internships. As a remote intern, you can expect to carry out duties, work, learning and whatever else you would expect of an internship online. Thanks to virtual team-building events and communication networks — be they Slack or internal — you can even network and build links with those in the team with which you are interning.
In short, remote internships certainly are an adjustment — but the opportunity that they provide has not been dulled by the pandemic.

Finding a Remote Internship
You can still find remote internships — despite the pandemic. You just have to know where to go like you want to stay in your country or take this opportunity to do an international internship..With that in mind, a great step to start is what industries you want to work with. Choose from a diverse range of internships with companies all across Asia and beyond — all of which will look interesting on your CV.
In general, applying to a remote internship is comparable to any other application for any other internship or job. You will need to submit your CV and a cover letter explaining your motivations and why you are a great match for the role. If you are successful at this stage, you will be invited to an interview. You will then be accepted if you impress at this stage. However, some company has a slightly different process: you fill in an application form, attend a background interview and, if successful, you are offered an internship place.
In a time of great change, you might well find the application process to be a refreshing piece of normalcy.
Making the Most of a Remote Internship
Despite being a remote intern, one who is potentially based a long way away from the office, you can still take full advantage of the experience.
First and foremost, you need to remember to see this as large an opportunity as a more regular internship would be. You still have the opportunity to network, create a meaningful impact and be noticed and rewarded for your hard work.
By taking the time to build good working relationships with your colleagues — albeit virtually — you can still stand out from the crowd and be noticed. For example; if you are assigned a project, you could take the time to work that bit more closely with your supervisor. A strong commitment and good inputs said project will likely not go unnoticed.
However, making the most of a remote internship also has a practical element. You will need to have a laptop or computer that is fast and can process large amounts of data in a short space of time. You will also need an internet connection that is fast, reliable and is, ideally, uncapped.
A remote internship is also a great addition to any CV as it shows that you have the ability to self-motivate, self-direct and achieve goals and objectives on your own. These are all skills that will stand out on any CV and cover letter.
Staying on Top of Things During a Remote Internship
We all have days where we feel a little less motivated, a little less inclined to want to do things. These days are part of the human condition. In an office, they are relatively easy to overcome. All you have to do is drink a little extra coffee and promise yourself an extra treat for lunch.
However, when you are working from home, these days can be a lot more difficult to overcome.
The key thing to do is to change things up as much as possible. A great way to do this is to change your surroundings if at all possible. Wherever you usually work, head somewhere else. If you usually work at home, head to a library. If you usually work in a coffee shop, head outside, if the weather is dry. A change of surroundings can completely change your mindset and help you stay motivated.

The Main Points
Over the course of this year, remote internships have had to become more and more the norm. Despite this, they can still make a great addition to your CV — and can even be used to exemplify how well you can work independently and self-motivate.
Remember to think of a remote internship as a more regular internship. You can still up-skill, gain experience and even network — despite being a remote intern. Lastly, remember to vary your surroundings as much as possible. The more you do, the more you will find it easier to stay motivated and on top of things. After all, we may be living through uncertain times, but that should not dull your want for an internship.
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