Journalism Internship In Vietnam

Think you are up for a career in international journalism? With all its challenges, the field is also extremely rewarding for a budding journalist.

The exposure to the foreign media industry, new cultures, and different perspectives can all contribute to making a better journalist out of you.

Start experimenting in this field right when you're still pursuing your degree in journalism. An easy way to do that would be to go for an international journalism internship in Vietnam during your summer vacation.

You will get a good work experience to showcase on your resume, but more than that you will be making your first foray into international journalism.

What Is A Journalism Internship In Vietnam Like?

journalism internship in vietnam

International journalism internship in Vietnam may be related to print journalism, meaning you could be interning for a magazine or a newspaper.

Or the internship may be related to broadcast journalism, in which case you could get to intern for a TV or radio station or even an online news portal.

The journalism opportunities are plenty with international journalism internship in Vietnam and you'll enjoy whatever comes along your way.

From researching stories and interviewing people to writing and editing content, be prepared to be wholly engrossed by the internship.

The organization at which you pursue your international journalism internship in Vietnam may have more than just local audience to cater to, it may also be speaking to a global audience including Vietnamese expats.

This only increases the extent of influence that you can make in journalism while still being a humble intern.

For ambitious journalists in the making, an opportunity such as international journalism internship Vietnam is just the pump they need to explore the exciting field of journalism outside of the books in the real world.

The Secret To Becoming The Best Journalism Intern Ever!

journalism internship in vietnam

When given a platform as major as international journalism internship in Vietnam, you naturally feel the need of the hour; rising up to the occasion and becoming the best journalism intern that there is.

Take note of these tips as you embark upon your international internship in Vietnam and you'll surely leave everyone at your workplace impressed with your performance as an intern:

Avidly Consume News (Local and International)

You can't be the one increasing awareness among people if you yourself are disconnected from what's happening around the world.

Working in journalism involves you to be in touch with little to big events taking place across the globe so that you are in a better position to tell others about them.

Social media is a significant way to stay on top of what's trending, so you may want to get more active on it if you aren't already.

Be a voracious reader of local Vietnamese news as well as international news. Discuss what you read with your superiors and colleagues.

Brainstorm and generate unique ideas for content from what you've read and discussed.

After all, journalism is not only about delivering news from one point to another, it's also about helping people form opinions about issues by giving them food for thought.

Give Every Task The Best That You've Got

Even during the most interesting international Vietnam internship, there will be times when you'll be assigned not-so-interesting tasks to do.

A good intern not only excels at tasks that they like but also at tasks that they don't particularly like.

Instead of whining about the mundane task, procrastinating it, or worse asking someone else to do it for you, step up and finish the task with the finesse that you so carefully impart to all your other tasks.

Generally speaking, it's important to keep a positive and enthusiastic approach towards your work when doing international journalism internship in Vietnam.

Interns who do so get easily noticed by everyone, invite appreciation and are considered reliable for bigger work opportunities.

Let's not forget you are there to learn, and learning opportunities are hidden everywhere, from boring to interesting tasks.

Always Be On The Lookout For Inspiration

Never let the drudgery of daily work routine get to you when you are in the middle of your international Vietnam internship.

As you get settled into your internship and manage to get recognized by everyone for your quality work, you might feel like you no longer need to try as hard as you did initially.

This type of thinking might give way to loss of self-motivation to do something path-breaking.

But the truth is that you should let inspiration fuel you right up to the very last moment of your internship program.

Talk to people who have intriguing stories to share, attend seminars and events where you can learn just a little more, ask for work that you don't normally do, contribute ideas where you can, keep asking more and more questions, travel around a bit where you are living, and so on.

Just keep your inner inspiration alive and let it be reflected in your work performance.

Start Networking Like You've Never Done Before

Every journalist aspirant understands the importance of networking with people and building up a list of contacts that you can turn to when in need of a story, a confirmation, or a quote.

International journalism internship Vietnam is a great way to get your contact-building process going.

You'll be meeting a lot of people throughout the course of your internship, within your internship organization as well as outside the organization.

Be active and communicative enough to retain at least some of these contacts as you move forward.

It's about building your very own umbrella of the professional social network from which you can seek help, support, and guidance.

Who knows, you may even walk away from your international Vietnam internship making best friends for life.

Journalism internship opportunities like an international internship in Vietnam are perfect for those looking for a broad overview of the field and don't mind stepping out of their comfort zone.

If that's you, you should waste no more time and get on-board with international journalism internship Vietnam as soon as you can.


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