How to Quickly Improve Your School Grades & Land a Great Internship

How to Quickly Improve Your School Grades & Land a Great Internship

Applying for an internship is easy, but meeting the requirements for your dream program might be a little bit trickier.

The scariest part of completing the application is submitting your grades, especially if it is rather low compared to the average.

Some internships even have a minimum GPA requirement for their applicants, meaning that if you fail to meet their qualifications, they may not even consider your application.

Some people say that grades are not as important as experience.

But when you are still a student, what else can they assess you on other than your school grades?

This is why you need to impress your potential employers by improving your grades and landing the internship that you desire.

Seek Study Guides and Resources

If the cause of your low grades is not being able to get high grades on your tests, it is best to organize your lecture notes and find the right study guides and resources.

No matter how hard you study for the exams, you will not see an improvement in your grades if you don’t have the right resources.

You can understand those complicated and confusing lessons by consulting the lecturers and TAs after class.

If you do not want to do that, opting for online resources can help you study smarter.

Many online platforms offer study notes, guides, and even mock tests on each lesson that students can use to practice.

How to Quickly Improve Your School Grades

Find a Study Technique that Works for You

Each person has a learning technique that works for them.

Some students may learn best with visuals, while others are naturally auditory leaders.

You need to get to know yourself and explore which technique works best for you.

You might try to use flashcards, mind maps, or writing down keywords and short notes to help you memorize.

It is best to experiment with many methods and see which one yields the best results.

Keep on Practicing

Just like the saying goes, ‘practice makes perfect.’

A single revision of the lecture might not be enough for an exam when you are in a university.

Familiarise yourself with the format of an exam to prepare before you see the real one.

To do so, you need to gather the past exams that are available online or ask your friends who have taken the class.

Once that you have the material, it is time to get your hands on it.

When you keep practicing on the same thing over and over, your brain will automatically remember the format of the exam.

Although you may not be able to predict the questions, you will not freak out when the examiner hands you the test.

If you really cannot find any past papers and tests, just make up your own!

Try to think of the possible questions and answer them without peeking at your notes.

It is recommended that you spend extra time on the topics that you do not understand.

Do not steer away from the difficult topics - just face it!

Slowly tackle down each part and keep on practicing.

You will get it!

Check the Marking Rubrics

Not every teacher grades papers and tests in the same way.

One thing to remember is you need to check the score rubrics before you submit your paper or take the exam.

Your math teacher might look for both of the work and the solution.

On the other hand, your biology lecturer may care only about the final answer.

Using the provided mark schemes to your advantage can help you improve your score dramatically.

Are you looking for an internship in Asia? Get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.

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